Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Concert Info and Extra Credit Options

Parents and Friends of Guitar 1 Students,
Please join us for:
An Evening of Holiday Music
On Thursday, December 10, 2015
In the LPHS Little Theatre
A3 Students:  7:30pm
A4 Students: 6:30pm
Students will be demonstrating their ability to accompany songs on the guitar as well as playing a few instrumental pieces.  We will be inviting the audience to sing along to some of the Christmas Songs, so bring your holiday spirit and your voices!  The concert should last approximately 30 min.
This will be 20% of their grade for the class so please support them in their efforts and encourage them to practice and prepare!
Concert dress will be:  Black “Become One” T-shirts (provided), dark pants or jeans (no holes), Santa Hats (students must bring their own)

You may contact me at kgummow@alpinedistrict.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Extra Credit Options (for participation points)

1.  Show me their 3 ring binder with all papers and songs included. (10 pts)

2.  Concert Evaluation (1/2 page paper evaluating a concert involving a guitarist or multiple guitarists) (10 pts)

3. Swede Larson Classical Evaluation - watch the 3 videos I included on the blog and write a 1/2 page paper evaluating his technique and other things you noticed about his performance.

4. Come in for 15 min during lunch or before or after school on A-days for individualized help. (10 pts)

5. One month practice log (100 min per week of practice each week for 4 weeks - signed by parent and honestly done - I will be able to determine due to your progress) (20 points)

6. Perform in School Assembly with group (Dec 11th)  (20 pts  - this can be applied to other grades instead of participation if needed)

7. Write and perform original song (40-50 pts)

11/17-11/23 Christmas Songs - Notes!

We have been working on Christmas songs to get ready for our Music Program on December 10th

The songs we will be doing for the Program are:

I Won't Give Up  (Strum Pattern)

We are Gonna Be Friends (Travis Fingerpick)

Spanish Theme (Classical Position)

Up On the Housetop
Jingle Bells
Silver Bells
Frosty or Rudolf
Feliz Navidad
Angels We Have Heard High (Notes with Harmony and Accompaniment)
Silent Night

Here is a Video students can use to practice their parts to on Angels We Have Heard On High.

As you can see.... we have been learning 


We have been learning notes as outlined in our Lesson Book
We have worked through pgs 64-75 and learned notes on the first 3 strings.