Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Week 9/29-10/1 3/4 Strum Patterns, Muted Strum Patterns, Two chords to a Measure

This week we continued to work on the 3/4 Strum Patterns from last week and we went over pages 16-18 in the book.  This taught us about the Primary Bass or Root of a chord.

We started a new song by Jack Johnson called "Talk of the Town" using a muted strum pattern on page 18 of the book.  It used a simple chord progression of   C  Am7  D7  G   with one addition of a Cm which is just like a Bm only you start it on the 3rd Fret.

In 4th period we also began learning a song involving two chords to a measure, "You're Gonna Miss Me".

On Page 20 we began learning about the Key or Tonality of song and how to determine the chords that are usually used in a song.

Students should be practicing all the songs that we have learned and perfecting their chord Transitions and strengthening their fingers and rhythm

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