Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday, 9/15 Music Theory Worksheets, New chords, strum pattern, and song

Three worksheets were handed out today with music and guitar theory information that we are learning in class. The packet will be due on Monday, 9/21.  These will be study guides for the Unit 1 test that will be given at the end of the Unit.

We learned three new chords:


And a new strum pattern that is commonly used on both guitar and ukulele:

Down Down Up Up Down Up  (1  2  &  & 4 &)

The Song we handed out to practice this pattern to is "Firework" by Katy Parry.  It also works great with lots of songs from Jingle Bells and Somewhere over the Rainbow to most popular songs.

**Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow (9/16) from 3-7pm.  I will be there and am looking forward to discussing the success of your child in my class!

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