October 20th and 22nd, the week after fall break, Students will be performing for each other in class.
Here are the guidelines:
1. Students may perform in groups of 4 or less or individually
2. Students may choose from the songs or exercises we have done in class or they may choose their own song (must be appropriate and approved by teacher in advance). It must be at least 16 measures long. It must be played with a 3/4 or a 4/4 strumming pattern.
3. Students will be evaluated on correct position, chord formation, consistent rhythm, chord changing, and continuity. Singing is not required but may earn up to 5 pts extra credit.
4. Students will be allowed to sign up for their choice of dates starting 10/7
Here is the Grading Form I will be using:
Grading Rubric for
Guitar 1
Student Teacher
*Sits tall in chair
*Waist of guitar over right leg
*Guitar neck angled upward
*Guitar is stable and secure
Hand/Arm Position
*Fingers/forearm do not touch front of
*Stability is created between the arm
just below the elbow & the guitar centered in the chest
Hand Position
*Shoulder and arm are relaxed
*Thumb remains behind the neck of the
*Fingers hover over assigned frets
*Maintains space between palm and neck
*Never plays correct fingering and #
of strings (1 pt)
*Rarely plays correct fingering and #
of strings (2 pts)
*Usually plays correct fingering and #
of strings (3 pts)
*Always plays correct fingering and #
of strings (4pts)
(4 pts)
*No rhythms played accurately (1 pt)
*Few rhythms played accurately (2 pts)
*Most rhythms played accurately (3
*All rhythms played accurately (4 pts)
(2 pts)
*Several “false starts” no steady pulse (1 point)
*Steady pulse throughout (2 pts)
Singing (up to 5 pts extra credit)
Other Extra Credit Options: (Due by October 22)
1. Show me your Organized 3 ring Binder containing ALL handouts, (music,
worksheets, etc) – worth 10 pts
2. Attend a guitar performance and write
a 1 page paper evaluating the technique (hand position, chord changes, rhythm,
musicality etc) - worth 15 pts
3. Write an original song - worth 25pts
+ 10 if you perform it for the class
The Theme for the
2015-16 Reflections program is: