Most students did well on the test, but some who have had no previous music experience struggled. **If you were one of those students, please come see me and I will work with you on it and permit you to retake the test if you wish. If I don't have time in class, I am available during lunch or right after school to help you until at least 2:30. (Just Remember I am only in on A days).
On Wednesday we learned some the 3/4 patterns on the blue sheet I handed out earlier and received some new songs:
Pattern 2 - Amazing Grace (down, down up, down) ( 1 2 & 3)
Pattern 3 - I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz (down, down up, down up) (1 2 & 3 &)
Pattern 4 - Clementine (down, down, down up)
We also learned another chord for the song Clementine, a D7
Students were paired up and passed each other off on the 9 chords we have learned so far. Make sure you get passed off on these chords, you need to have them memorized in order to keep up with what we are learning.
Friday we handed back the tests and enjoyed some Awesome Guest Artists: Isaac and Kimball from RED YETI, a rock band out of Provo. They sang and talked about the sound recording process - the "why and how"s of the process. Kimball gave a great example of using "harmonics" in a song and told briefly how to do that. They also told their stories of what inspired them to go into music.