Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Concert Info and Extra Credit Options

Parents and Friends of Guitar 1 Students,
Please join us for:
An Evening of Holiday Music
On Thursday, December 10, 2015
In the LPHS Little Theatre
A3 Students:  7:30pm
A4 Students: 6:30pm
Students will be demonstrating their ability to accompany songs on the guitar as well as playing a few instrumental pieces.  We will be inviting the audience to sing along to some of the Christmas Songs, so bring your holiday spirit and your voices!  The concert should last approximately 30 min.
This will be 20% of their grade for the class so please support them in their efforts and encourage them to practice and prepare!
Concert dress will be:  Black “Become One” T-shirts (provided), dark pants or jeans (no holes), Santa Hats (students must bring their own)

You may contact me at kgummow@alpinedistrict.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Extra Credit Options (for participation points)

1.  Show me their 3 ring binder with all papers and songs included. (10 pts)

2.  Concert Evaluation (1/2 page paper evaluating a concert involving a guitarist or multiple guitarists) (10 pts)

3. Swede Larson Classical Evaluation - watch the 3 videos I included on the blog and write a 1/2 page paper evaluating his technique and other things you noticed about his performance.

4. Come in for 15 min during lunch or before or after school on A-days for individualized help. (10 pts)

5. One month practice log (100 min per week of practice each week for 4 weeks - signed by parent and honestly done - I will be able to determine due to your progress) (20 points)

6. Perform in School Assembly with group (Dec 11th)  (20 pts  - this can be applied to other grades instead of participation if needed)

7. Write and perform original song (40-50 pts)

11/17-11/23 Christmas Songs - Notes!

We have been working on Christmas songs to get ready for our Music Program on December 10th

The songs we will be doing for the Program are:

I Won't Give Up  (Strum Pattern)

We are Gonna Be Friends (Travis Fingerpick)

Spanish Theme (Classical Position)

Up On the Housetop
Jingle Bells
Silver Bells
Frosty or Rudolf
Feliz Navidad
Angels We Have Heard High (Notes with Harmony and Accompaniment)
Silent Night

Here is a Video students can use to practice their parts to on Angels We Have Heard On High.

As you can see.... we have been learning 


We have been learning notes as outlined in our Lesson Book
We have worked through pgs 64-75 and learned notes on the first 3 strings.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Guest Artist - Swede Larson

Swede Larson 

On Friday we were privileged to have Highland Native, Swede Larson, as a Guest Artist in our class. We were all impressed by his skills and talent  - especially after our taste of classical guitar in learning Spanish Theme.  He talked to us about his experiences learning guitar and practicing long hours even as a young child to achieve his goals.  He was fortunate enough throughout his life to study with masters of the classical guitar worldwide.  Some advice he gave was to learn songs in chunks because the attention span of humans is rather short and learning in chunks allows our brain to have pauses in between segments.  He also taught that by learning the basics of guitar position and technique correctly we can always rely on that to help us when other things fail us.  One thing that I loved learning are the reasons for not "planting" our fingers on the guitar while fingerpicking -  it deadens the vibration of the guitar, it causes your  right hand to tense up and not be able to maneuver as quickly, and I can't remember the third reason....

  Here are a few excerpts from his playing:

The next one is my personal favorite.....

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Spanish Theme assessments/ Christmas Songs/ Guest Artist!!

Monday we passed off "Spanish Theme".   Each student played it twice - once for a fellow students and once for me.  The assessment score combined each score + a personal evaluation.

Each student was given a packet of Christmas Songs to learn.  So far we have worked on Silver Bells with a 3/4 alternating bass and Jingle Bells with both a strum pattern and Travis fingerpick.

The classes each earned a Pizza Party through good behavior!  Hurrah and thanks to Little Caesars for providing the Pizza!!

On Friday we have shortened classes because of the State Playoff Football Game.

Nevertheless, we have a treat in store!!  A guest artist, Brandon "Swede" Larsen, an accomplished classical guitarist will be coming in to perform for us and talk to us about his experience in Music.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Week of Nov 3-5 Fingerpicking, College Week, etc

This week we are continuing to practice and polish "Spanish Theme"  which students will pass off from memory next week (Nov 9)

Since this week is College Week, we were asked to talk about college experiences and advice.  I brought in one of my favorite things, a Bongo Board.  To master the Bongo Board it requires balance. So does college life and life in general for that matter.  We identified 5 areas that are important to balance:  Physical (exercise, eating right, adequate rest), Relationships (Family, Friends, Romance, Self/Integrity), Education/work, Spiritual/Emotional (Uplifting and inspiring thoughts, reading, music), and Service.  If we can learn to balance these things, our lives will be much happier and fulfilling.


We began learning to fingerpick with the basic Travis Fingerpick

P= thumb, i = index, m=middle finger

The numbers represent the strings on the guitar

We used this fingerpick to play "We Are Going to Be Friends" by Jack Johnson

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Week of October 26 - 30 Spanish Theme

This week we introduced a new warm up based on the 1972 Song, "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple.  On each string we played the following fret progression 0  3  5  0  3  6 5  0  3  5  3  0  to warm up our fingers

On Monday I introduced a favorite song of mine and taught the students how to hold their guitars in classical position

Classical Guitar Position

Then I introduced them to Spanish Theme and have been teaching techniques such as chunking, rest stroke, and adding dynamics to songs.

One of my students recorded me several years ago playing this song (just the left hand) so he could practice it at home.  He posted it on Youtube so I will include the link.  I regret that I was not playing in classical position to demonstrate, but hopefully the fingerings will be of help to my students:

On Tuesday we also learned an alternating bass technique to accompany songs.  This is in the book on pg 24.

We practiced it with "Monster Mash" (G Em C D )  and brushed up on the simplified chords in "Thriller" (Am D  E7  F  G) with a straight strum

We have Guest Artists coming on Friday

Guest Artist - Dyer Highway

On Wednesday, October 7  after reviewing some of our songs and patterns, we were privileged to hear from our Guest Artists,

Dyer Highway.  

They are a family band consisting of two sisters and a brother that have been playing country music since they were small.  They have played on numerous stages and with various famous people. This past summer they opened for Diamond Rio at the Sandy Amphitheater.  They have also recorded in Nashville and write most of their songs.

They gave a some great tips on Performing and overcoming fear and nervousness:

Think positive thoughts

Believe that people want you to succeed  - because they do!

Take deep breaths and relax

Don't be too hard on yourself if you make a mistake - just keep trying

Practice and prepare well before.